We're not angry prophets denouncing the hypocrisy of our times, well Trish might be, but we do know an amazing film when we see it. Network (1976) did however eerily predict what news media would eventually evolve into. Was it satire transcending into reality, or a very savvy futurist in writer Paddy Chayefsky? This film was a warning, well regarded in it's Oscar winning performances, but a warning that fell on deaf ears. Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch, and Robert Duvall star in one of the most important films (directed by Sidney Lumet) of any generation.
With certain politicians denouncing serious impartial news sites as "fake news" in favor of more sensational slanted news sources Invasion of the Remake feels this film is more relevant than ever before. Join us this week as we climb Mount Everest, attempt to do the impossible, and remake an almost perfect film with our own "award winning" fantasy casting. What better way to celebrate Oscar season than with Invasion of the Remake!
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